
I awakened one morning with the word GRACE on my mind. I searched for weeks only to come home empty handed, but still with a burning desire to buy an item that had the word “GRACE” upon it.

After several months of searching, my daughter gave me a gift; a cup with the word “GRACE” beautifully written. She purchased it, gave it to me, I received it freely.

What  I learned that day was that I can’t buy Grace. It is the free and unmerited favor of God in the salvation of sinners. Grace is the empowering Presence of God enabling us to be who He created us to be.

Daily I would fill and sip from that cup of “GRACE”, the contents becoming a part of me. It became a reminder and representation of the Father filling me daily with His Grace and unending mercy.


2 Comments Add yours

  1. Lois Bisset says:

    Connie this was precisely what I need this morning. It touched me deeply.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. conniebisset says:

      I’m glad it ministered to you during the time of need. That’s my purpose in writing from the heart. The first blog “Broken and Transparent” may speak to you as well. Keep checking back for more writings. I believe it’s time to share them. Thanks again Lois!


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